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Which is the Most Affordable Country
to get dental implants

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The fact that dental treatments in the USA, Canada and Arab countries, especially in European countries, are highly expensive, stands out as one of the most important factors that direct patients to receive treatment abroad.

Which is the most affordable country to get dental implants

According to a study conducted, more than 50,000 people in England go abroad to receive health services every year and 40% of this figure consists of dental treatments. Considering, in addition to expensiveness, the long waiting and treatment times for dental treatment in the abovementioned countries, we can say that it is very rational that people are willing to gain time by getting a treatment abroad and to discover a new country in this period.

Which are the most popular countries for implant treatment

As a result of our examination, it has been found that countries such as Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Costa Rica and Turkey are among the destinations most preferred by patients coming from abroad to get implant treatment. These countries stand out with the fact that they are among the most affordable countries for dental implants and the accommodation opportunities they offer to patients during their treatment. In addition, while deciding on the country where you will get an implant treatment, you may want to consider the tourism resources of this place. Thus, you can both get your implant treatment and turn your treatment process into a kind of holiday.

Now, let's answer one of the questions that come to mind:

How can these countries provide more affordable service for implant treatments

The first thought that comes to mind here may be the low standards of care in dental treatments performed in these countries, but when all factors are considered, it is understood that this idea remains superficial. Since factors such as per capita income, rent and production costs in the country have a direct impact on the amount you will pay for your dental treatment, it may be possible to get treatment at more affordable prices in these countries.

At what level is the quality of care in dental clinics

Let’s consider Turkey, one of the abovementioned countries. Our country has shown great improvements in the field of health, especially with the investments it has made in recent years. The dental clinics in Turkey, on the one side, stand out with high treatment success rate and, on the other side, are highly specialized in dental implants, All-on-4 treatments and cosmetic dentistry. Investments made in the health tourism in Turkey have focused especially on the field of dental health, and in particular Antalya is preferred by many patients from abroad for their dental treatments, both because of the quality standards of the clinics located here and the fact that Antalya is an important tourism destination. Our clinic, which has been providing service in Antalya since 2010, stands out with its experience in dental treatments, offering the state-of-the-art products to patients with high quality standards and a team of expert physicians who love their job.

As Go Clinic Turkey Oral and Dental Health Clinic, we provide service by combining our experience that we have gained over many years with the energy deriving from our amateur spirit. You can contact us in the process of determining your treatment and get information about the matters you are curious about as well as many advantages such as transfer, accommodation and guidance services that you can use during your travel.

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How Long Does It Take To Get A Dental Implant?

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