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What are the downsides
of dental implants

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Implants shine like a star, especially in oral and dental health treatments that have developed in the last 30 years. Dental implants have become one of the most preferred treatment methods of dentists, when you have a missing tooth problem or it is expected that you will have such a problem. On the other hand, although alternative treatment methods to implants are still used today, we can say that they are preferred less as a result of the increasing popularity of dental implant treatment.

The popularity of dental implant treatment for oral and dental diseases is not only based on eliminating your missing tooth problem, but also giving you a healthy tooth structure. Implants are very useful and do not affect how you eat. They look healthy and natural when you smile or communicate with people. They are very easy to care for and, in this respect, resemble your natural teeth. In addition, dental implants are very long-lasting.

Well, besides all these positive aspects, is there no downside of dental implants Of course, there are risks in every treatment method that may occur due to many reasons. Now, we will examine this matter in detail and try to find an answer for the question “What are the downsides of dental implants”

What are the downsides of dental implants
What are the disadvantages of dental implants

Considering “what the disadvantages of dental implants are”, one of the first major disadvantages that immediately comes into mind is, of course, the cost of this treatment. Implant treatment is more expensive than alternative treatment methods. Especially in European countries and the United States, the price of a single dental implant is between 2,000 and 3,000 USD, and when you need a full mouth implant treatment, this figure can reach an amount of up to tens of thousands of dollars. However, you can get the same treatment at much more affordable prices in dental clinics in Turkey. In this context, you can also check out our other blog posts and can get information about why you should get a dental treatment in dental clinics in Turkey. With a dental treatment in the Go Clinic Turkey, you can avoid putting a heavy strain on your budget and save significant amounts of money.

What are the factors affecting the success of dental implants

In some cases, a mobility may occur in the implant, if there is an inadequate bone growth in the area where implant treatments are applied. This may affect your speech and nutrition while using your implants, and may reduce the success of the treatment. In such cases, severe bone loss in patients can make implant treatment difficult for dentists. In other words, the competence and experience of your dentist ranks first among the factors that have an impact on the success of dental implants. In our dental clinic in Antalya, our dentists specialized in their own field make use of the state-of-the-art technology and perform your implant treatments with high success rates at much more affordable prices than your country.

Our patients are also responsible for the success of dental implant treatments. Situations such as excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol, neglecting oral care adversely affect your oral hygiene. For example, poor oral hygiene can lead to tartar build-up and affect the gums around your implant. Although excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol does not indicate that you are not suitable for dental implants, the success rate of these patients in implant treatments decreases up to 80%. When considering our success rates in dental implant treatments, this constitutes a percentage that should be considered. Therefore, the probability of achieving success in a dental implant treatment will be higher in patients who pay attention to oral and dental care and have a low rate of suffering from gum diseases.

What are the risks of implants

In the treatment of patients with a single missing tooth or edentulous patients, one of the most common treatment methods used by dentists is dental implant treatments. In recent years, implant treatments have developed and replaced many conventional treatment methods. Of course, in this point, the questions such as “Are dental implant treatments dangerous” or “What are the risks of dental implants” may come into your mind. In this context, particular mention can be made of the success rate reaching up to 98%-99% in dental implant treatments. Thus, dental implants replace other treatment methods and provide a healthy mouth structure to our patients.

As in all treatment methods, it is of course possible to face with some risk factors in dental implant treatments, among which the first one is the pain and swelling that may occur during the treatment. Although any pain and swelling may be considered normal until 5 days after insertion of the dental implant, we recommend that you consult us in excessive cases. In addition, problems such as gingival recession may occur, thereby causing tooth surfaces to appear unaesthetic. Your dental implant may lose its stability due to your bone structure or unsuccessful applications. In addition, you may have allergic sensitivity to some substances in the components of the dental implants. This is -albeit rarely- a situation that may occur.

Finally, infections may sometimes occur in dental implant treatments. In such cases, we try to eliminate the infected areas by using laser support or stem cell technology, depending on the severity of the infection. However, in case of a severe infection, the dental implant may need to be removed. Although the possibility of infection is low, it is usually caused by poor oral hygiene, not from the implant. It is very important for you, our valued patients, to prefer dentists specialized and competent in their own field for dental implant treatments.

As Go Clinic Turkey, we provide service by combining our experience that we have gained over many years with the energy deriving from our amateur spirit. While determining your treatment process, you can contact us and get information about any matters concerning your treatment as well as many advantages such as transfer, accommodation and guidance services that you can benefit during your trip.

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What are the downsides of dental implants?

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