Here you can find up-to-date information on health issues, latest treatments and technologies, success stories and curiosities related to the dental world.
Go Clinic Turkey, which is a Dental Center in Antalya, provides quality and professional service with its reliable, comfortable and expert team. We are implementing all our treatments in our dental center in Antalya. We are always with you with our strong communication and friendly customer relations.
Nowadays, many people visit dental clinics more, in terms of aesthetics and surgery. With the development of technology and the differentiation of aesthetic perspectives, dental clinics have made their treatments compatible with the technology.
Nowadays, many people are getting dental applications for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes. Having dental procedures for treatment or aesthetic concerns will positively affect many factors, from your nutrition to your self-confidence.
Dental smile design, which is generally preferred due to the factors negatively affecting the smile, such as tooth color problems, gingival problems, length of teeth, interdental spaces, deformity, unpleasant teeth and gum appearance, provides a natural, aesthetic and pleasing smile thanks to the professional...
Nowadays, having an aesthetic smile is getting more and more important. The Hollywood smile allows you to achieve a flawless, aesthetic and measured smile for this need, and this smile means healthy teeth with symmetrical lips for you. It can be performed for men and women.
When all the teeth are lost, the suitable treatment might be the full mouth dental implant application. They are the processes that can be applied to the jawbone replacing the tooth root. In fact, the implant can also be called as artificial tooth root.
Dental health is one of the important points that is affecting the quality of life. It has an impact on life with factors such as comfortable nutrition, digestive system and self-confidence.
Porcelain Veneer, being applied in order to ensure that the teeth are healthy and look aesthetically pleasing, is a process applied by etching the teeth in order to provide space for the porcelain. Since local anesthesia is used during this procedure, there are no issues such as pain and aching. It is a comfortable process for the patient during and after the treatment.
One of the factors that determine the success of all kinds of dental treatments that we dentists apply to you, including implant treatments, is the care processes. Despite the fact that they are performed successfully and frequently, dental implant treatments are actually serious medical procedures.
You may complain about missing or damaged teeth. Don't worry! You are not alone in this; millions of people around the world are suffering from the same problems as you.
In the success of implant treatments, it is essential to have sufficient bone density in the jawbone in order to enable the implant to be placed. Revealing the fact that patients do not have sufficient bone density before receiving an implant treatment is among the situations we dentists frequently encounter.
Your teeth can be damaged or lost due to many different reasons. This is not a problem that only you face, but a problem that millions of people around the world suffer from.
Tooth decay is a disease that reveals itself with an unbearable pain. Plaques that are found in your mouth and contain various bacteria, can produce acid from the sugary and floury residues left after your eating. As a result of this, tooth enamel affected from this acid deteriorates and tooth decay begins.
Your natural teeth usually come out with an infrastructure that you can rely on throughout your life. However, it is quite common to suffer from dental problems due to neglecting your oral and dental care, smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages
Today, millions of people struggle with many dental problems, from serious dental diseases to tooth decay. Your dental problems can make it very difficult for you to try to meet your basic needs such as nutrition and speech and can affect your social life negatively by preventing you from smiling safely.
Nowadays, implants have become saviours for us in oral and dental health treatments by successfully following their first relatives that were applied 50 years ago.
Many treatment methods are applied in dentistry in order to compensate for your tooth loss and to recover your damaged teeth. However, you should not forget that treating a tooth loss without delay is necessary and very important for your oral health.
Implants do not cause any discomfort while you are eating or drinking and support your biting activities. They are quite stable and strong. Their maintenance (caring) activities are easier by comparison with traditional dental prostheses and it will be enough to apply a care procedure as you would apply for your natural teeth.
Oral and dental care is important for a healthy life and healthy aging process. An unhealthy mouth can negatively affect your nutrition, which is one of your vital functions, and lead to different health problems.
There are many reasons why people suffering from oral and dental diseases have dental implants. Some patients want implants to replace long-lost teeth. In this way, they replace their prostheses with a more permanent solution.
Implant treatments are often preferred by us dentists today, which started to be applied about 50 years ago in your dental deficiency problems.
It is common to see a decrease in your natural teeth for many reasons. If you have a loss of permanent teeth or suffer from dental diseases, implant treatments may be your savior.
Dental implants provide a permanent and usable solution to the problems you experience dental loss. Especially recently, these screw-like structures are the glowing stars of dental health in the mouth.
The fact that dental treatments in the USA, Canada and Arab countries, especially in European countries, are highly expensive, stands out as one of the most important factors that direct patients to receive treatment abroad.
One of the questions frequently asked by patients before their implant treatments is 'Can I have a full-mouth dental implant?'. The number of patients wondering whether implants applied generally to a single tooth or...
Let's start by answering the question of why you should have an implant abroad. Dental implants treatment is quite expensive in the USA, Canada, European countries and Arab countries compared to other countries in the world...
First of all, it is worth noting that in the processes following the implant treatment the patients are recommended to maintain a diet consisting of non-hard foods for a day. Purees, yoghurt, soups can be given as examples.
Getting a dental implant is a costly process. Patients may have to spend a lot of money for this procedure, as implants are placed through a series of operations and are specially designed for each patient's own mouth and tooth structure.
Dental implants allow you to replace your teeth that are lost or expected to be lost due to any reason. According to many dentists, they are the most recommended and permanent solutions for your oral and dental health.
‘If I have a bone thinning and bone loss, can I have a dental implant?’ is one of the questions frequently asked to the dentists. Dental implants provide a healthy and long-lasting replacement of missing teeth for patients who suffer from...
When it comes to dental treatments, dental clinics throughout Turkey and dentists all over the world agree that the dental implants are the best solution in the dental treatments. However, this thought could sometimes be misleading.
First of all, let us say that dental implants are one of the most important developments in modern dentistry. When you suffer from tooth loss for any reason or your teeth cannot function properly, we can recommend dental implant treatment to you.
Due to any health problems, your eating habits, an accident or negligence of your oral care, you can suffer from a tooth loss. In this case, we recommend you to get a dental implant treatment in accordance with today's conditions.
Dental implants can be a saviour for you when you have a missing tooth problem or it is expected that you will have such a problem. Offering many advantages for patients, including more practical use, prevention of mental problems caused by tooth...
Implants shine like a star, especially in oral and dental health treatments that have developed in the last 30 years. Dental implants have become one of the most preferred treatment methods of dentists, when you have a missing tooth problem or it...
Today, dental implant treatments are one of the most common treatment methods used by dentists in oral and dental health. Offering many advantages, dental implants are frequently preferred due to the fact that they offer a natural appearance, do not...
Dental implants are a saviour offered by the modern medicine, when you have a missing tooth problem. You can take a look at our other blog posts to learn more about the benefits of dental implants preferred to alternative treatment methods for many...
Many people are unable to get or postpone to get this service due to the high cost of dental treatments. This may adversely affect your social life as well as your oral health. Of course, nobody wants to smile with missing or decayed teeth. However, the...
Although it is a tragic situation to lose your tooth, it is not an irrecoverable situation thanks to developing oral and dental health treatments. Especially the shining star of today’s treatments, dental implants offer long-lasting solutions that can be...
Dental implants are one of the most frequently preferred options by dentists to replace missing teeth. The fact that implants look like your natural teeth, easy to maintain, and that they can be used for a long time are the factors that ensure their priority...
Implants are one of the most important blessings offered by modern medical technologies in cases of tooth loss. We prefer implant treatments because of their care processes, applicability to almost every patient, natural appearance and longevity just like in...
Due to its characteristics, dental implants are one of the most common treatment methods used by dentists for missing tooth problems. You can check out our other blog posts to explore why dental implants are often preferred and what benefits they have...
Today, many people suffer from oral and dental diseases. These diseases can affect your social life with cosmetic effects as well as making it difficult to meet your most basic needs by negatively affecting your nutritional level. If you also suffer from...
Today's treatment methods in the field of oral and dental health were unimaginable 60 years ago. When you lose your teeth, you can't have them back in a way that makes them feel natural, regardless of the amount you pay...
Dental implants are the best way to give you new teeth, such as your natural teeth, when you experience loss of teeth due to dental diseases or any reason. When this happens, most patients wonder 'Can dental implants be performed...
Many people worldwide need treatment for oral and dental diseases. Dental diseases can progress when they are not treated and can cause tooth loss by affecting your general oral health. This hits your feeding routines first...
As we’re passionate about dentistry, we believe that everyone deserves a happy and healthy smile design. So we offer all the dental treatments and services you could possibly need in our Antalya dental clinic.
In brief, don’t be shy,
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