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Who Are Not Eligible For Dental Implants

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Dental implants are a saviour offered by the modern medicine, when you have a missing tooth problem. You can take a look at our other blog posts to learn more about the benefits of dental implants preferred to alternative treatment methods for many reasons. Here, we often hear from our patients who have concerns about oral and dental health the question “Who is not suitable for dental implants”. Let's answer the question.

Who Are Not Eligible For Dental Implants
What is the right age to have a dental implant

It would not be correct to express an upper age limit by saying that people over a certain age may not have dental implants. You will be considered eligible to have a dental implant treatment if you do not have any disease that prevents you from undergoing any operation which includes dental implant treatment procedures. Sometimes we can get better results from older patients with better bone structure or oral health conditions compared to younger ones. Therefore, as long as you do not have any other health problems that prevent you from undergoing any dental implant operation and can attend your treatment sessions, your age does not pose a problem for you to have a dental implant treatment.

In Turkey, where the cosmetic dentistry is quite advanced, our clinic can, in addition to dental implant treatments, successfully create a good smile for our elderly patients, just like they had in the past. Therefore, these patients can obtain both healthy teeth and aesthetically perfect results with dental implant treatment.

Am I eligible to have a dental implant

If you have a missing tooth problem or it is expected that you will have such a problem, you are a suitable candidate for dental implant treatment. However, there are some exceptions for this eligibility. The expression “I am not eligible for a dental implant treatment because my jaw bones are not suitable enough for this operation” are very common among dental patients. However, we can increase bone density with the help of a series of procedures in the dental implant treatment. If you do not have any health problem that prevents you from getting a dental implant treatment and you do not have an untreated gum disease problem, the answer for the question “Am I eligible to have a dental implant” will be yes. In this context, you can safely travel abroad for single dental implants or full mouth dental implants.

Who are not eligible for dental implants

When you conduct a research to have a dental implant, it is quite normal that you try to find out whether you are eligible for a dental implant treatment by asking the question “Who are not eligible for dental implants”. Today, no dentist will tell you for sure that he/she cannot offer you a dental implant treatment. No matter whether you have a bone loss or suffer from diabetes, we can safely offer a dental implant treatment in our clinics in Turkey. However, it is normal for us to hesitate in offering you a dental implant treatment if you are a patient who, for example, suffer from an uncontrollable level of diabetes or have a blood clotting disorder. Nevertheless, we can offer a dental implant treatment to these patients after consulting the patient’s private doctor and taking the necessary precautions.

In addition, a dental implant treatment may be inconvenient for patients who receive chemotherapy due to cancer treatment. Where necessary, we can also offer a dental implant treatment for such patients by consulting patient’s doctors and after the patient has completed a certain phase of treatment. Briefly, the question “Who are not eligible for dental implants” can be answered as every patient whose general health condition is suitable for this treatment.

Can I have a dental implant even if I experience a bone loss problem

During dental implant treatment, we frequently encounter a loss in the jawbone after tooth extraction. In this case, patients desperately ask whether they can have a dental implant even if I experience a bone loss. As we have stated before, the number of patients for whom we cannot apply a dental implant is quite low, thanks to today's advanced technology and successful studies in the field of oral health. If you have a loss of bone and density in your jawbone, the volume of this bone can be increased by adding bone to this area. Thanks to a bone graft, a bone from the patient's own body or bones obtained from donors can be transplanted to the problematic area.

You can also prefer a sinus lift operation. Thanks to this operation, we can add bones to your upper jaw around your molars. After the operation, it will take a certain period of time for our patients to become suitable for implant placement, depending on the recovery period. As you can see, there is hope for every patient. We have many treatment methods that can be applied in our dental clinics in Turkey and will make a dental implant applicable for you, even if you have a bone loss. You can safely choose our dental clinic and have a full package of dental treatment in Antalya, from all on four treatments to oral implant treatments.

Can I have a dental implant if I don't have any teeth

Even if all your teeth are missing, there are treatment methods we can choose depending on the condition of your mouth. Therefore, the answer of the question “Can I have a dental implant if I don't have any teeth” will be yes. We can provide a fixed restoration with a permanently fixed and implant-supported bridge. In this point, we place four, six or eight dental implants into the jaw and wait for the recovery time. Upon the completion of the recovery period, the restoration is brought into the final form with the help of porcelain bridges. So they function like your natural teeth and cannot be removed without the help of a dentist.

In addition, we can prefer implant-supported removable dentures. We place two or four dental implants in the jaw. Upon the completion of the healing process, we provide a removable connection between the implant and the denture. After the treatment with this method, you can remove and clean your dentures at any time. For example, you can use your removable dentures when you eat something, work or perform your daily activities, and you can remove it before sleeping.

Our dental clinic is a treatment centre that is highly experienced in dental implant treatments for edentulous patients and is frequently sought after by patients who want to have a dental implant treatment abroad. You can contact us and ask any questions on the oral and dental health as well as your questions about traveling to Turkey for dental treatment, and you can take advantage of our free consultancy services.

As Go Clinic Turkey, we provide service by combining our experience that we have gained over many years with the energy deriving from our amateur spirit. While determining your treatment process, you can contact us and get information about any matters concerning your treatment as well as many advantages such as transfer, accommodation and guidance services that you can benefit during your trip.


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Are You Eligible For Dental Implants?

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