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What is the Disadvantage
of Dental implants

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Dental implants allow you to replace your teeth that are lost or expected to be lost due to any reason. According to many dentists, they are the most recommended and permanent solutions for your oral and dental health. However, it cannot be denied that the dental implant treatments have some disadvantages for you and the points that need to be considered. Let's examine together the disadvantages of having dental implants.

What is the Disadvantage of Dental implants
Dental implants are expensive

We will not fool you, it is undeniable that there may be more cost-effective solutions to your oral and dental health problems instead of dental implants. However, in some cases, dental implants are preferred as they offer a definite and permanent solution or they may have to be preferred by dentists.

Your insurance does not cover dental implant treatments

Another disadvantage we can mention is that your insurance will often not pay for dental implant treatments. Insurance may cover them if there are other treatment methods that are thought to be beneficial, but dental implants are usually not included. When you visit our clinic, you will be informed by our specialized dentists which treatment method is suitable for you. Our country and our clinic will be a very logical choice for you in terms of the treatment success rate in this field and the affordable pricing of dental implant treatments in comparison to European countries.

Surgical operation is required to place dental implants

Although dental implants permanently promise you a natural appearance and a healthy mouth, a surgical operation is required for implant applications. Of course, any operation will carry a risk of complications, even if it is very low. Risks such as delayed bone healing, inflammation and pain that may occur after dental implant treatment, and nerve damage are very rare, but may be present. For this reason, it would be appropriate to be selective in determining the clinic where you will have dental implants and the dentist.

Who may not be eligible for dental implants

Dental implant treatments may not be suitable for all patients without exception. Individuals who are characterized by high level of alcohol and tobacco consumption, suffer from severe dental disease in the area to be implanted, are currently under treatment for cancer or have uncontrolled diabetes may not be considered suitable for dental implants by our dentists. Of course, your oral and dental health problems never remain completely unsolved. You can contact us, get the necessary checks and find out if you are suitable for dental implants.


What is the Disadvantage of Dental Implants?


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What is the Disadvantage of Dental Implants?

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