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Do Gums Grow Around Implants

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Today, dental implant treatments are one of the most common treatment methods used by dentists in oral and dental health. Offering many advantages, dental implants are frequently preferred due to the fact that they offer a natural appearance, do not cause any problems and make you feel comfortable while speaking and eating, are easy to care for and long-lasting. However, it is quite normal that patients have a question mark over the dental implants before getting a dental implant treatment. “Do gums grow around implants” is one of the questions asked by our patients before the dental implant treatment. In the continuation of our article, we will try to answer the question “Do gums grow around implants” and other questions related to the subject.

Do Gums Grow Around Implants
Can gums recede around dental implants

You may have heard from people around you that the gums around their teeth are receding. In such case, the question “Can gums recede around dental implants” will come into your mind. Yes, in some cases, the gums can recede around the dental implants. When you have a dental implant, gum recessions that you may experience will be similar to recessions in your own natural tooth. This is one of the most common complications which are encountered by dentists in the dental implant treatments. Patients suffering from similar complications may also have complaints such as asymmetry in the gum tissue and inflammation around the dental implant and pain.

Why do gums recede around dental implants

This situation may occur due to the recession of the bone and gum tissue for various reasons over time after dental implant treatment. Some systemic disorders such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes, and the fact that our patients do not have regular dental follow-up are main reasons that cause a gum recession.

What are the other reasons for gum recession

We have mentioned above that gum recession is a process that works in the same way in your natural teeth as well. In parallel with this, gum recessions may also occur due to a genetic disease, excessive use of tobacco, teeth grinding and squeezing and poor or neglected oral care. When you get a dental implant treatment in our dental clinic which is situated in Antalya and regarded as one of the best dental clinics in Turkey, our dentists use the state-of-the-art dental technologies and perform your treatment with a high success rate. We provide you with the necessary advice by meticulously managing the entire surgical intervention process so that you do not have a problem such as the recession of the gums around the implants.

Do gums grow around implants

“Do gums grow around implants” may be another question that may come into your mind before your dental implant treatment. Yes, this is also one of the problems that may occur. In order to prevent this problem, we usually apply a therapeutic component or a temporary crown on your implant. With this treatment, we aim to prevent the tissues in your gums from growing around your dental implant.

Gum contouring around dental implants

During your dental implant treatments, we can also apply a procedure known as gum contouring around the implant crown. This procedure allows your gums around the dental implant to grow and take shape like your natural teeth. Thus, we aim to prevent aesthetic problems that may occur post-treatment period.

Gum diseases around the dental implant

In the post-treatment process, gum diseases around the dental implant may also occur. Just like your natural teeth, the area where we place your dental implants is covered with gums. However, although the course of gum diseases that may occur in your natural teeth and dental implants, shows the similarity, gum tissues in natural teeth and dental implants are different from each other. In terms of bleeding, the tissues around your natural teeth are better than the peri-implant tissues, which means that the tissues around the dental implant are weaker and bear more risk for any gum disease.

Inflammation of the tissue around your dental implant is called peri-implantitis. The inflammation starts from the gum tissue and, if not treated, may lead to the melting of the bone around the dental implant. Such inflammations can be recovered with laser treatments or alternative treatments that can be applied to eliminate the inflammation around the dental implant. After dental implant application, regular oral care is very important.

Go Clinic Turkey is one of the best options abroad for single implant and full mouth dental implants. Your treatments are performed by our dentists who are specialist in their fields and experienced against the risks that may be encountered in dental implant treatments. Even if you do not perform your implant treatment in our clinic in Turkey and you experience gum problems around your dental implant, you can contact our dental clinic and get information about potential treatment processes.

As Go Clinic Turkey, we provide service by combining our experience that we have gained over many years with the energy deriving from our amateur spirit. While determining your treatment process, you can contact us and get information about any matters concerning your treatment as well as many advantages such as transfer, accommodation and guidance services that you can benefit during your trip.

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